Tag Archives: Solar filter

Solar Observing warnings

Viewing the sun can be rather rewarding, I honestly love it a little more than deep space objects because you can see the detail on the surface of the sun. This can be done safely and is rewarding, however if you fail to follow safety guidelines you will not only damage your equipment, you can lose your eyesight permanently.

Disclaimer : Tips provided here are for informational purposes only.  Please consult the instructions of your specific equipment for its capabilities and safe operation.  SixAlberts is not responsible any damages or injury that may occur.  Failure to follow equipment instructions and safety precautions can and most likely will cause loss of eyesight as well as damage to equipment.

Ok, now for the fun stuff!

Having your eyes roasted out like an ant in a magnifying glass is not on my to-do-list and it shouldn’t be on yours either.

So as a necessity I have to put this warning out there.

Do not ever look directly into the sun with any equipment that is not designed to look at the sun. Make sure all solar filters are checked before you use the equipment. Make sure there are no nicks, tears, cracks, or pinholes in the filter before use.  if using a filter that attaches to the telescope make sure it is snug and in place before turning the scope to the sun.

When observing objects near the sun take precaution to not accidentally look at the sun. When taking things apart, remove the camera and turn the telescope away from the sun before removing the filter. The intense magnification can damage the mirrors and or the lenses.

When using filters note a Hydrogen Alpha filter (ha) is not enough to look at the sun. There are HA solar telescopes use the manufactured telescopes and not just an Ha filter solo. you must use a solar filter in conjunction with a Ha filter.

when allowing others to view, ensure their safety and educate children so they do not make the mistake of thinking they can do this on their own.