Tag Archives: Grimaldi

The Moon: Kepler and Copernicus

TheMoonMoon 9-10-2014
two craters, Kepler and Copernicus

I had done the moon a few times in the past, but never really had pictures I was thrilled with. August 8th, 2014 wa the last of the “super moons” for the year. that night it rained here and the following night same thing. After many of my Facebook friends were snapping shots with tier phones and sending me pics. . .I had to do something! Unfortunately with my scope, it  doesn’t let me take a full Moon shot, so I will have to make a mosaic.

Two prominent features, the two craters Kepler and Copernicus are seen. The mountain range in the east has a few mountains in it.to the south of Copernicus is an Apollo 12 & 14 landing sites. I took some time to label the larger notable features I referenced Google earth’s moon map.

Moon Kepler & Coprenicus area
Main features labeled

This was the first time using my Neximager5, for what ever reason I had forgotten to use it on the moon, probably because I had avoided the moon so much, it cuts down on light for DSO’s and I would operate opposite of the full moon to get darker skies. I ended Up taking a fist full of shots but I want to give each one the attention they deserve! Please enjoy and look around!

Some of the features of the marked areas:


Diam: 32 km/19.9Miles, Depth: 2.7 km/1.68Miles

The rays extend for well over 300 km /86.41Miles


Diam: 93 km/57.8Miles, Depth:3.8 km/2.36Miles

The rays extend for well over 800 km /497.1Miles


Diam: 20 km/12.43Miles, Depth: 2.5 km/1.55Miles


Diam: 173.49 km/107.8Miles, Depth:2.7 km/1.68Miles


Diam: 40 km/24.86Miles, Depth: 3.7 km/2.3Miles